pondělí 28. července 2014

For English speaking visitors

Hi everyone who speak English rather than Czech.
I am very pleased you checked my blog and am very sorry for writing it only in Czech, which is my first language. To be honest, I would like to translate those bits and bobs I post here but it seems such an option or functionality is not available here - at least not yet. Possibly I could step in and change the code, which I guess would be able to - but there is this "but" again :o) Well, it is time consuming as I am not a pro so I decided to focus on Czech public mainly, which apparently is not coming at all :-D
Kind of paradox, isn't it?
So, if you managed to read this post - whoever you are - could I just ask you to leave me a little comment about yourself (few words will do just to say kind of hello which makes me always happy :o))
You could also let me know how you found this blog - by random? That bit is actually incredibly interesting!

And to give you a brief idea what I am writing about:
As you already noticed, I decided to use an English title for this blog and it really means what it says: life without any walls. People do think kind of in the box (which leads to a misery and unhappiness you can see all around you and all over the world) rather than outside of the box.
Most of the walls I am talking about is the way we see the world. The way we think, the way we create things around us or laws to "protect" us, the way we perceive ourselves or others.
Just imagine a world, in which you are not limited in any way, there are no "walls" around you which break the immense view you would have without them. Imagine that there are no habits you inherited from your parents, from your nation or culture - you would follow only those, you understand and which are not beneficial only to yourself but to everyone and everything.
So throughout my life, I was asking simple questions and thinking about them. Sometime I had some ideas which I jotted down in my little notebook. I am picking some of them and publishing them here on this blog. For example one of my first questions was: "what is gravity?" 
Do you know the answer? I don't. I can only find description of what we understand gravity is, but what it really is? How does it work? And there were many more questions linked to this question - for example "why spiritualists say like attracts like if in physics it works exactly the other way round? Does the Universe work in double standard?"
I might have actually found an answer to this one (the law of attraction works the same in physics as in our lives - we just see it as unrelated subjects and therefore misunderstanding the life a lot, or the physics even more).
This example is exactly what I mean by "removing" the "walls" we have around us, the walls we have built by ourselves.

Next part of this blog is dedicated to Yoga and how it works. The content there is based on one very interesting book "How yoga works" which inspired me a lot. Unfortunately the book has never been translated to Czech language (yet), so I decided to bring gradually all the ideas published in the book to people who can't read it. 

And finally, I decided to write about things I simply found interesting.
So here we are. Thank you for coming and reading :o)

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